Jordan Aaron Russell
Sex: M
Father: Paul Russell Mother: Teresa Irena MacysJulie Ann Russell
Sex: F
Father: Kenneth Arthur Russell Mother: Pearl Blanche RodenKathleen M Russell
Sex: F
Father: Kenneth Arthur Russell Mother: Alice LyonsKenneth Arthur Russell
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 15 Oct 1917 - Eton Christening: Death: 1982 - Wolverhampton Burial:
Father: Alfred E Russell Mother: Alice Mary Mayne
Spouses and Children
1. *Alice Lyons Marriage: 1941 - Wolverhampton Children: 1. Kenneth Arthur Russell 2. Carol A Russell 3. John T Russell 4. Patricia F Russell 5. Anne E Russell 6. Kathleen M Russell 7. David Russell 8. Graham E Russell 9. Margaret M Russell 10. Philip W Russell 11. Anthony Russell 12. Paul A Russell
Marriage Notes (Alice Lyons)
Kenneth Russell & Alice Lyons Jan-Feb-Mar 1941 Wolverhampton 6b 1183
Kenneth Arthur Russell
Sex: M
Father: Kenneth Arthur Russell Mother: Alice Lyons
Spouses and Children
1. *Pearl Blanche Roden Children: 1. Jane Russell 2. Mark Russell 3. Paul Russell 4. Julie Ann Russell 5. Neil Gary RussellMargaret M Russell
Sex: F
Father: Kenneth Arthur Russell Mother: Alice LyonsMark Russell
Sex: M
Father: Kenneth Arthur Russell Mother: Pearl Blanche RodenMaud Russell
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1886 - Wednesfield Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: John Russell Mother: Mary AustinMoses Russell
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1870 - Wednesfield Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Moses Russell Mother: Mary Ann LewisMoses Russell
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1850 - Great Bridge, Staffs Christening: Death: 1923 - Wolverhampton Burial:
Father: John Russell Mother: Emily (Emma) Mealing
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Ann Lewis Marriage: 1868 - Wolverhampton Children: 1. Sarah Russell 2. Moses Russell 3. William J Russell 4. Alfred E Russell 5. Annie Russell 6. Bert Russell 7. John F Russell 8. Harry Russell
b:Moses Russell Jan-Feb-Mar 1850 Dudley 18 372Research:
1851: Horseley Heath, Tipton. John Russell 25 b:Trevdean (sic) Mon. Miner, w Emmely 23 b:Ironacton, Gloucs, Moses 1 b:Tipton (Anc:11)
1861: 4 Rickyard (nr High St), Wednesfield. John Russell 35 b:Trevethin (Trefddyn) Monmouth Ironstone Miner, Emely 32, b:Iron Acton, Gloucs, John 12 b:Tipton, Mosses 10 b:Tipton, Edwd Wm 4 b:Willenhall, James 2 b:Wednesfield
1871: The Rickyard (nr Hadley's Fold), Wednesfield. John Russell 22 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary 23, Ann 2, John 9m, Brother (or Boarder or Visitor) Moses (Anc:Mora) Russell 20 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary 20, Sarah 2, Moses (Anc:Maros) 2m
1881 27 Hall St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 30 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, Mary A. 30 b:Heath Town, Sarah 13, Moses 6, William J. 4
1891: 7 Church St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 40 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary A 39 b:Heath Town, Moses 17 Lockm, William 13, Alfred 7, Annie 6, Bart 4, John F 1 (all ch b:Wednesfield)
1901: 7 Church St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 49 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, Mary A 49 b:Heath Town, Moses 26 Coal miner, Alfred 17 Vermin Trap Maker, Bert 13, Harry 5
1911: 5 Church St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 61 b:Great Bridge Gen Lab, Mary Ann 60 (ch: b:15 l:7 d:8) b:Heath Town, Moses 36 b:W'fld Lan (Axle Box Co), Bert 23 Tinman (Motor Works), Harry 15 Trap maker, nephew Harry Wootton 8 b:Heath Town
d:Moses Russell 73 b:abt 1850 d:Oct-Nov-Dec 1923 Wolverhampton 6b 634
Be sure to look at Research Notes
Tracking the Victorian RussellsMarriage Notes (Mary Ann Lewis)
We start with Charlotte's gg-gf, Alfred E Russell b1883.
The 1901 census easily gives us Alfred E's parents: Moses b1850 in Great Bridge (Tipton) and Mary b1851 in Heath Town.
1901: 7 Church St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 49 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, Mary A 49 b:Heath Town, Moses 26 Coal miner, s Alfred 17 Vermin Trap Maker, s Bert 13, s Harry 5
This is confirmed by the 1891 census:
1891: 7 Church St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 40 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary A 39 b:Heath Town, Moses 17 Lockm, William 13, Alfred 7, Annie 6, Bart 4, John F 1 (all ch b:Wednesfield)
The 1881 census adds only a couple of new siblings:
1881 27 Hall St, Wednesfield. Moses Russell 30 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, Mary A. 30 b:Heath Town, Sarah 13, Moses 6 (10?), William J. 4
The 1871 census puts Moses in the same household a John Russell, born two years before Moses and in the same place (Great Bridge) - surely, an older brother:
1871: The Rickyard, Wednesfield. John Russell 22 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary 23, Ann 2, John 9m, Boarder Moses Russell 20 b:Great Bridge Coalminer, w Mary 20, Sarah 2, Moses 2m
The 1861 census supports this, here are John 12 and Moses 10 together:
1861: 4 Rickyard, Wednesfield. John Russell 35 b:Trevethin (Trefddyn) Monmouth Ironstone Miner, Emely 32, b:Iron Acton, Gloucs, John 12 b:Tipton, Mosses 10 b:Tipton, Edwd Wm 4 b:Willenhall, James 2
More importantly, it adds their father John Russell b1826 in Trevethin, Wales (a small district on the outskirts of Pontypool) and mother Emily b1829 in Iron Acton, Gloucestershire:
Looking for confirmation in 1851 adds a mystery, where is 3yr old brother John?:
1851: Horseley Heath, Tipton. John Russell 25 b:Trevdean (sic) Mon. Miner, w Emmely 23 b:Ironacton, Gloucs, Moses 1 b:Tipton
The answer, is four doors away 'visiting' the 'Cook' family but interestingly, they seem to hail from familiar places: Trevethin and Iron Acton:
1851: Horseley Heath, Tipton. Edmond Cook 30 b:Bornington (Barrington? or Ironacton), Gloucs, Eliza 44 b:Box, Wilts, Elizebeth 14 b:Iron Acton, Gloucs, Jane 10 b:Trevethin, Mon., vis John Russell 3 b:Tipton
Note where the two girls Elizabeth & Jane are born - this must be more than co-incidence. In fact, it turns out that this is a crucial record - I will come back to it later but first, let's see what happens to John & Emily later on:
After raising their family in Tipton & Wednesfield, John & Emily return to Trevethin for a while with the younger children:
1871: Mill Rd, Trevethin, Pontypool, Monmouth. John Russell 46 b:Trevethin Coalminer, w Emily 42 b:Franton, Gloucs, James 12, Harriet 7, Maryann 4 (ch:b:Wednesfield)
Unfortunately, John dies soon afterwards:
1872d: John Russell 46 b:abt 1826 d:Jul-Aug-Sep 1872 Wolverhampton 6b 316
and Emily then marries Henry Hadley a few years later:
Emily Russell & Henry Hadley Jan-Feb-Mar 1876 Wolverhampton 6b 670
The three youngest children are still with her in 1881:
1881: 5 Church St, Wednesfield. Henry Hadley 52 b:W'field Railway Plate wkr, w Emily Hadley 48 (cough) b:Iron Acton, Gloucs, ss James Russell 21, sd Harriet J. Russell 17, sd Mary A. Russell 14
Emily moves with Henry to Birmingham where she later dies:
d:Emily Hadley 62 b:abt 1831 d:Apr-May-Jun 1893 Birmingham 6d 23
Now, back to that crucial '51 census record.
Quite frequently, the toddler in a family will be found living with close relatives when there is a new baby in the household - so, is this Eliza, in fact John's grandmother - if so, what was her maiden name?
Looking for Edmund Cook's marriage records gives us this:
Marr: 1 Jul 1857 Edmund Cook full b x Miner Willenhall Road William Cook Deceased & Eliza Mealing full w x Willenhall Road Robert Bancroft Deceased B witn: John Russell & Jane Mealling Benjamin Wright St.Matt, W'ton
So, we have a name 'Mealing' (although note that Eliza is a 'widow' and her late father is given as Robert Bancroft revealing her maiden name to be 'Bancroft' too) but there's more ...
Look at the witnesses:
John Russell - clearly, not the (now) 9yr old boy who was living with them in '51, no doubt this is his father, Eliza's son-in-law and Emily's husband.
Jane Mealling - surely the same Jane as in the '51 census, Eliza's daughter (and Emily's sister).
If you haven't noticed the date of that marriage, look again, it's 1857 - it should now be clear that females in the '51 census are not 'Cooks' afterall - they're still 'Mealings'.
This is supported by dau Elizabeth's marriage record:
Elizabeth Mealing & George Mullinew Jul-Aug-Sep 1853 Wolverhampton 6b 476 (see 'Latest, below)
supported by:
1861: New Cross, Wednesfield. George Molleneux 28 b:Bilston, Elizabeth 25 b:Iron Aston, Eliza 3, John 4m
So in '51, Emily entrusts her three-year old son to three 'Mealing' women.
Two John Russells were married in Pontypool in the 1840s, of the eight possible brides only one was an Emily - an Emily Mealing (Apr-May-Jun 1845 Pontypool 26 194) - surely the same couple?
It would be nice to have a birth record of Moses to show positively that his mother Emily's maiden name was 'Mealing' but Sarah Green, a descendant of his brother John, has confirmed that John's mother's name was formerly 'Emma Malling'.
**Latest** George Molineux has provided me with a copy of the certificate of Elizabeth Mealing's 1853 marriage (to gg-gf George Molineux) - the witnesses were John & Emma Russell, thereby supporting the proposition that Emily/Emma and Elizabeth were sisters. **
After a long time searching, I found an 1841 census for Trevethin and it seems to hold some supporting data:
1841: Pentwyn Terr No15, Trevethin. Moses Mealin (Anc:Malin) 35 Coalminer, John 5, Eliza 35, Emma 15, Emma 35 (or 15), Ann 10, Elizabeth 5, Jane 5m
And now we can see that Moses Russell was named after his grandfather Moses Mealin (assuming that Emily=Emma).
However there are a couple of niggling issues too:
- It shows that Elizabeth & Jane are born 'in county' - this is true for Jane but not Elizabeth
- Is this order significant? Is John not the son of Eliza? Could Moses be Eliza's second hus?
- Which of the Emmas, in fact Emily?
It is probable that John is this one:
b:John Mealing Jul-Aug-Sep 1838 Pontypool 26 110
and Ann is this one:
Ann Mealing m William Rees (or Ralph Ellis) Jul-Aug-Sep 1854 Pontypool 11a 166 )
Bundling together records of other Mealings in both Trevethin and Staffs gives this 'Best Guess Chronology' for Eliza and her offspring:
1803 Eliza Bancroft born in Box, Wilts
1820 moves from Westerleigh to Box with m Elizabeth & sibs
1821 marries Moses Mealing & moves to Iron Acton, Gloucs.
1821 b:Nathan (maybe)
1829 b:Emily
1830 b:Ann
1833 b:James (maybe)
1836 b:Elizabeth
Family move to Trevethin
1838 b:John in Pontypool
1838 d:Alice in Pontypool (maybe)
1840 b:Mary Ann
1841 b:Jane
1842 d:Mary Ann
1845 dau Emily m John Russell in Pontypool
Mr Mealing dies
move to Tipton with dau Jane, Elizabeth, Emily (& her hus)
1848 b:gs John Russell
1850 b: gs Moses Russell
1851 living with young Edmund Cook in Tipton
1853 dau Elizabeth marr to George Molineux in W'ton (wit: John & Emma Russell)
1857 m Edmund Cook - witn:John Russell & Jane Mealing
move to Wednesfield
1859 b:gd Sarah A Lees in Wednesfield (who are parents?)
1861 res in Wednesfield
1868 m: gs Moses to Mary Ann Lewis in W'ton
1871 res in Wednesfield
1872 dies in Wednesfield
1872 d: dau Emily's hus John Russell in W'ton
1876 m: dau Emily to Henry Hadley in W'ton
1883: b ggs Alfred E Russell
1893 d: dau Emily Hadley in Birmingham
1901: d:dau Elizabeth in Birmingham
Just to confuse matters though - there is at least one other Mealing, born in Iron Acton who set up family in Trevethin:
1861: Snatchwood Terr, Abersychan, Trevethin. James Mealing 50 b:Iron Acton Coal Collier, Gloucs, Elizabeth 45b:Trevethin, William 12, John 10, Elizabeth 7, Maria 5, ldgrs Charles Hawkey 18, James Hall 60 (all ch b:Abersychan)
I have to wonder if James is the younger brother of Moses.
and yet another:
1861: Trevithin. James Mealing 28 b:Iron Acton, w Charlotte 26 b:Trevithin, Charlotte 7 b:Trevithin, Mary Ann 4, Jabes 3, Joshua 1, n Theophilus Jennings 9, mil Charlotte Jennings 70 b:Iron Acton (nb James Mealing m Charlotte Jennings Jul-Aug-Sep 1853 Pontypool 11a 184)
Moses Russell & Mary Ann Lewis Oct-Nov-Dec 1868 Wolverhampton 6b 787
11 Oct 1868 Moses Russell full b x Miner Horseley Fields John Russell Clerk & Mary Ann Lewis full s x Horseley Fields Edward Lewis Miner B Charles Lees & Sarah Lewis Lewis H.Loyd St.James 2/0347
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