Thomas Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1809 - Donington Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Robert Bishton Mother: Ann WalkerThomas Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1818 - Donington Christening: 12 May 1818 - Donington Death: Bef 1861 Burial:
Father: Thomas Bishton Mother: Elizabeth Dale
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Ann Marriage: Children: 1. Wilhelmina Bishton 2. Thomas Bishton
Thomas Bishton (father) died on 22 November 1829 (should be 1839). Christopher Roger died under 21; Thomas Bishton, party, is entitled under the deed poll to an undivided third part of the premises and has contracted to sell the same expectant on the death of Elizabeth Bishton for £3250.
So for £3250 he sells to George Jones his third after the death of Elizabeth Bishton of the house, mill, farm and lands &c called the Kilsall Red House Estate in Donington (Thomas Pearce, Thomas Hinton and George Jones), and all tithes arising therefrom. To the use of George Jones for life, then to his heirs, John Jones preserving the contingent uses.
In archives: ("Thomas Bishton of Congresbury, Somerset, Esq.")
1851: Rose Cottage, Lewisham, Kent. Thos Bishton 32 b:Donington Late Lieut 7th Fusiliers, Mary Ann Bishton 27 b Deal, Kent, Wilhelmina 5 b Birmingham, Thomas 2 b Conperbury (Congresbury), Somerset, serv Eliza Marshall 24
1861: deceased - wid Mary Ann in Peckham, Camberwell, Surrey, son Thomas in school in Congresbury, hm Woodley, dau Wilhelmina in school in Rugby.
Thomas Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1807 - Worfield, Salop Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Mother: Margaret Bishton
A Thomas b1807 died in Donington in 1811
Thomas Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1785 - Donington Christening: 21 Nov 1785 - Donington Death: 22 Nov 1839 - Donington Burial: in Donington Parish Church
Father: John Bishton Mother: Elizabeth (Betty) Jellicorse
Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth Dale Marriage: 25 Mar 1811 - Donington Children: 1. Rev Henry Bishton 2. Elizabeth Sophia Bishton 3. Catherine Dale Bishton 4. Sarah Ruth Bishton 5. Thomas Bishton 6. George Bishton 7. Christopher Roger Bishton
Rev.Joseph Dale: "Thomas, born 17th of July, 1785, who married 25th of March, 1811, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Dale of Cheadle, who was born 4th of November , 1788, and by her had issue a son, Henry, born January , 1812, and two daughters, Elizabeth- Sophia, born 4th of March, 1813, and Catherine-Dale, born 24th of May, 1814 ; the said Thomas Bishton died 22th of November, 1839."
Grave at Donington Parish Church. Link to picture
Epitaph: "Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Bishton of Kilsall, ESQ. Died 22nd November 1839 Aged 54"
Thomas was left managing his father's business empire, he renegotiated transport tolls with the Shropshire Canal Co and dismantled the tramway John had had built down to Sutton Wharf. It would seem that he made some bad investments as he became bankrupt before he died.
These documents are held at Shropshire Archives
1781/2/250 11 November 1841
Letter from John Corser of Wolverhampton to John Barker, Esq., Wolverhampton, with copy of a notice sent to him by Catherine Cheadle who recently bought from the assignees of the estate of the late Thomas Bishton, a bankrupt, the equity of redemption of the assignees in the life estate of George Bishton, a bankrupt, in the Kilsal Red House Estate, formerly conveyed by George Bishton to his brother Thomas decd., afterwards mortgaged by Thomas Bishton to Mrs Ann Moss Phillips,widow, now in mortgage to the Parkfield Co. of iron-masters, with 2/8 shares in the Consolidated Mineral Works and partnership, property and effects of the said Co. to secure £4000. She gives notice that at the end of 6 months she will redeem the estates by paying off the balance of the principal and interest.
Tryphaena Bishton
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 17 Apr 1808 - Worfield, Salop Christening: 15 May 1808 - Worfield, Salop Death: 19 Feb 1886 - Compton, Wolverhampton Burial:
Father: Thomas Bishton Mother: Anne Lewis
Spouses and Children
1. *George Grainger Marriage: 20 Nov 1828 - St Peter's, Wolverhampton Children: 1. Harriet Grainger 2. Ellen Grainger 3. Ann Grainger 4. Charles Grainger 5. Emma Grainger 6. Frederick Grainger 7. Henry Grainger 8. Tryphaena Grainger 9. Edward Grainger 10. Jane Grainger 11. Charlotte Grainger
Marriage Notes (George Grainger)
bap:Triphena Bishton b:17 Apr 1808, Worfield, bap 15 May 1808 f: Thos Bishton m:Ann IGI
1841: Trysull. George Granger 35, Tryphina 35, Harriet 11, Ellen 10, Ann 8, Scharly 6, Frederich 2
1851: Lower Penn. George Geringer 41, Tryphaena 41, Frederick 11, Henry 9, Tryphaena 7, Edwd 5, Jane 4, Sharlott 1m, gd Sarah 4
1861: Finchfield. George Granger 55, w Tryphana 54, Tryphana 18, Edward 15, Charlotte 10
1871: 4 Whitehouse's Building, Finchfield. George Granger 62, w Tryphanna 62, Charlotte 19
1881: Cottage, Finchfield. George Grainger 67, w Tryphina 67, Charlotte 27
d:Tryphena Granger 75 Jan-Feb-Mar 1886 Wolverhampton v6b p346
Granger George b & Tryphana Bishton s Banns 20 Nov 1828 St Peter's, W'ton Martha Lewis/John Biddulph
Unknown Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1566 Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Roger Bishton Mother: JoanValentine Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 14 Feb 1785 - Worfield, Salop Christening: 6 Mar 1785 - Worfield, Salop Death: 1870 - Bridgnorth (reg.dist) Burial:
Father: John Bishton Mother: Mary Robinson
Spouses and Children
1. *Phoebe Powell Marriage: 1807 - Worfield, Salop Children: 1. Jane Bishton 2. Sarah Bishton 3. John Bishton 4. Valentine Bishton 5. Phoebe Bishton
Marriage Notes (Phoebe Powell)
bap:Valentine Bishton b:14 Feb 1785 bap:06 Mar 1785 Worfield f:John Bishton m:Mary: IGI
1841: Worfield Valentine Bishton 50 Aglab, Pheobe 50, (gs) *Geo Edwd 1 (not b in county) Thos 13 (gs by dau Jane) a few doors away . Also son John 25 nearby
1851: Worfield Valentine Bishton 68, Pheobe 69, gs George 11 b:Warks, Birmingham (??)
1861: Worfield, Valentine Bishton 75 widr Almsman formerly Ag Lab (Thomas 73 nearby)
d:Valentine Bishton 84 Jan-Feb-Mar 1870 Bridgenorth 6a 539
*It is probable that George is the son of John & Sarah but there are other possibilities, see his notes.
Valentine Bishton & Phoeby Powell 25 Jun 1807 Worfield IGI
Valentine Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: 2 Jan 1814 - Worfield, Salop Death: Burial: 13 Mar 1814 - Worfield, Salop
Father: Valentine Bishton Mother: Phoebe Powell
bap:Valentine Bishton Male 02 Jan 1814 Worfield f:Valentine Bishton m:Phobe Bishton IGI
bur: Valentine Bishton 13 Mar 1814 Worfield IGI
Valentine Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1835 - Worfield, Salop Christening: 9 Oct 1835 - Worfield, Salop Death: Burial:
Father: James Bishton Mother: Hannah Perry
bap:Valentine Bishton 09 Oct 1835 Worfield f:James Bishton m:Hannah IGI
1841 Rookery Cottage, Quatt. Ann Perry 65, Eliza Bishton 12, Charles Bishton 10, James Bishton 8, Valentine Bishton 6
Walter Bishton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 1862 - Lowestoft, Suffolk Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Samuel Bishton Mother: Eliza Wicks
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