Maureen Egginton
Sex: F
Father: Arnold Egginton Mother: Grace Parkin
Spouses and Children
1. *Harry BinghamMaurice Howard Egginton
Sex: M
Father: Gilbert Theodore Egginton Mother: Minnie NichollsMavis Joan Egginton
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 30 Dec 1927 - Wolverhampton Christening: Death: 22 Apr 1996 Burial:
Father: Arthur Egginton (kc) Mother: Millicent Ada Southall (kc)
Spouses and Children
1. *Sam Woodhall Marriage: Children: 1. Martin WoodhallMax Egginton
Sex: M
Father: Peter Egginton Mother:May Egginton
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1895 - Bridge St, Heath Town Christening: 23 Oct 1895 - Heath Town, W-Ton Death: Burial:
Father: Thomas B Egginton Mother: Mary Ann BeardsMoira McFarlane Egginton
Sex: F
Father: John Wilson Stewart Goodall Egginton Mother: Jessie Bowman McFarlane
Spouses and Children
1. *Norman Buckley Children: 1. Nicole Buckley 2. Rowan BuckleyMoses Egginton
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Apr 1823 - Wolverhampton Christening: 7 Apr 1823 - St Peters Death: Nov 1900 Burial: 20 Dec 1900 - Merridale Cemetery
Father: Thomas Egginton (kc) Mother: Frances Beatrice Roden (kc)
Spouses and Children
1. *Rachel Selvey Marriage: 5 Feb 1844 - St Peters, Wolverhampton Children: 1. Emma Egginton 2. Job Egginton 3. Charlotte Egginton 4. Mary Egginton 5. Sarah Anne Egginton 6. James Egginton 7. Henry Clemens Egginton 2. Beatrice Roberts Marriage: 27 Feb 1862 - St Paul, Wolverhampton
bap: Moses Egginton Male 07 Apr 1823 St.Peter's, W'ton. f:Thomas Egginton m:Frances Beatrice England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 Record
1841: Salop St, W'ton. Thomas Egginton 45 Bridge Maker, w Frances 45, Moses Egginton 15, Walter 9
1851: Brickkiln St. Moses Egginton 28 Iron Founder, w Rachel 28, Emma 5, Job 3, Charlotte 1, lodger Beatrice Roberts 29, spectacle maker from Montford, Salop
1860: 136 Gt Brickkiln St on D of Father and Rachel
1861: Gt Brickkiln St Moses Egginton 38 (Anc:Fraser) (Widower) Iron Founder, Emma 15, Job (Anc:Jabe) 13, Charlotte 12, Sarah Ann 8, James 5, Henry 2. Note: Beatrice Roberts now lodging with mother in Oak St in property belonging to Moses?
1871: Lower Brickkiln St Moses Egginton 49 Master Iron Caster (employing 3 men & 2 boys), w2 Beatrice 48 b:Montford, Sarah Ann 18, James 14, Henry 12
1881: 136 Brickkiln St Moses Egginton 58 Iron Founder, w Beatrice 60, Henry 22 Iron Caster
1891: 130½ (2) Gt Brickkiln St. Moses Eggington 68 Living on own means, w Beatrice 70
bur: Merridale: G4/C11 c G4/08559 20 Dec 1900 Moses Egginton 77years Great Brickkiln Street St.Paul Iron founder 17286
Owned 36, 37 Oak St plus foundry + house in Brickkiln St according to Will (July 1900).
Other references:
1/0220 15 Dec 1856 Albion Selvey 23 b x Basket maker Brickkiln Street James Selvey Locksmith & Harriet Maiden 18 s Brickkiln Street George Maiden Butcher B
Witn: Moses & Rachel Egginton Godwin Hope Dixon St.Paul
There is an entry in the burial records for Merridale Cemetery that raises some questions:
bur: 14 Jul 1879 Job Egginton 10months Brickkiln Street St.Paul Son of Moses Iron caster 43860 G3/C8 G3/23431
Did Beatrice really have a son at the age of 57?
Did Moses really name another son the same as the still living Job born in 1847?
It would seem more likely that Job b1878 was in fact the son of Job b1847 and therefore the grandson of Moses (who might have registered the death). Note that there is a suitable gap in the births for Job &
It took me a few hours to transcribe Moses's Will and I know that it contains a few mistakes - not only have I not corrected the ones that I've spotted, I've added a few more deliberately. If you wish to upload this transcription to any commercial website then I require you to include this paragraph and a link to its source: Clive Egginton.Marriage Notes (Rachel Selvey)
of me MOSES EGGINTON of Great Brickkiln Street Wolverhampton in the county of Stafford formerly an Ironfounder but now out of business I appoint my dear wife Beatrice Egginton and my two sons Job and James Egginton to be trustees and EXECUTORS of this my Will I declare that the household goods furniture and household effects in and about the house in which I now reside are the sole and absolute property of my said wife I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my said trustees and executors Upon the trusts following that is to say Upon trust for them to receive and get in my personal estate (if any) and after payment thereout of my debts funeral and testamentary expenses including any estate settlement or other duties payable in respect as well of my real as of my personal estate to invest the residue thereof and pay the income to my said wife for her life and after her decease to pay and divide the capital of such residue unto and equally between all my children who shall be living at my decease And as to my real estate Upon trust to receive the rents Issues and profit thereof and after paying thereout the cost of keeping the buildings in repair and insured against fire and the interest on the several mortgages now affecting the same or to be charged thereon under the provisions of this my Will and the costs and charges of transferring any such mortgages and the costs and charges to be incurred in raising any sum or sums necessary for the payment of the estate settlement or other duties payable on my estate (and which my personal estate nay be insufficient to pay) to pay the same to or allow the same to be received by my said wife for her life And after the decease of my said wife I direct my trustees and executors to stand seized and possessed of the dwellinghouse in which I now reside situate in Great Brickkiln street aforesaid with the gardens running down from the side thereof and which said dwellinghouse and gardens I purchased from the late Mr Martin Tilkes of Claverley and which are now in mortgage to Miss Young for securing the principal sum of three hundred pounds and interest Upon trust for my said son Job Egginton for his own absolute use and benefit subject nevertheless to the payment by my said son of the said mortgage debt of three hundred pounds and the interest thereof after the decease of my said wife and of all such further sum or sums as are hereinafter charged thereon by this my Will And from and after the decease of my said wife I direct my said trustees and Executors to stand seized and possessed of all those six houses with the outbuildings and appurtenances situate in Great Brickkiln Street aforesaid together with the Foundry and gardens at the back thereof all which said houses Foundry and gardens I purchased from the Foster family and which are new in mort-gage to Mr Frederick Thomas of Bloxwich for securing a balance of principal amounting to fiva hundred and fifty pounds Upon trust for my said son James Egginton for his own absolute use and benefit subject nevertheless to the payment by my said son James of the said sum of five hundred and fifty pounds and the interest thereof after the decease of my said wife and all such farther sum or sums as are hereinafter charged thereon by this my Will And from and after the decease of my said wife I direct ay Executors and trustees to stand seized of all those my two messuages or dwellinghouses Numbers 35 & 37 in Oak Street Wolverhampton aforesaid and all the residue (if any) of ay real estate Upon trust to sell and dispose of the same either by public auction or private contract and then to stand possessed of the net proceeds arising from such sale after deducting all expenses attending the same Upon trust (if such net proceeds shall be sufficient for the purpose) to pay thereout to my two daughters Emma Holt the wife of Edwin Holt of Wolverhampton aforesaid Locksmith and Charlotte Bagley the wife of Benjamin Bagley of Wolverhampton aforesaid Plumber the sum of seventy pounds each and to my son Henry Clemens Egginton the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds but if the net proceeds of my said two messuages or dwellinghouses shall be more than sufficient to pay the aforesaid legacies or sums of seventy pounds seventy pounds and two hundred and fifty pounds the residue of same shall be equally divided between my said two daughters and my said son Henry Clemens But in case the net proceeds arising from the sale of my said two messuages and the residue of my real estate shall be insufficient to pay the said two sums of seventy pounds and seventy pounds each to my said two daughters and the said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to my said son Henry Clemens such deficiency shall be paid by my said two sons Job and James in equal shares and proportions and I hereby charge such deficiency upon the hereditaments hereinbefore devised to my said two sons in equal shares and pro-portions And I hereby declare that in the event of any or either of them my said two daughters and my said son Henry Clemens Egginton dying in the lifetime of my said wife the said respective sums of seventy pounds seventy pounds and two hundred and fifty pounds hereinbefore made payable to or charged in favor of them respectively shall not lapse but shall respectively be deemed to be vested in my said daughters and son Henry Clemens Egginton at the time of my decease (subject to the life interest of my said wife) and may be transmissable by them accordingly I empower my trustees to raise by mortgage of my real estate or any part thereof or by such other means as they may think fit such sum or sums if any as may be necessary to pay the estate settlement or other duties payable at my decease and also any other testamentary charges which my personal estate may be insufficient to meet And no mortgagee or other person or persons advancing any moneys under this provision shall be bound to enquire into the necessity or expediency for the raising of any such monies or be bound to see to the application of any such monies or be affected by the misapplication or nonapplication thereof and the sum or sums so raised shall be paid off and discharged as follows One half thereof shall be borne and paid and shall be a charge upon the property hereinbefore devised after the decease of my said wife to my said son Job Egginton and the other half part thereof shall be borne and paid and shall be a charge upon the property hereinbefore devised after the decease of my said wife to my said son James Egginton I declare that the expression my trustees In this my Will shall be taken as extending to and meaning my said wife and my said two sons Job and James and the survivors and survivor of then and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor or other the trustee or trustees for the time being of this my Will And lastly I revoke all former and other Tills and declare this only to be my true last Will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name this fourteenth day of July one thousand nine hundred 1900 -MOSES EGGINTON - SIGNED
by the said testator Moses Egginton as and for his last Till and testament in the joint presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other all being present at the same time have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses J W STIRK Solr Wolverhampton - J W E STIRK Solicitor Wolverhampton
ON the 18th day of November 1902 Probate of this Will was granted to Beatrice Egginton Job Egginton and James Egginton the Executors.
1844 Jan-Feb-Mar Wolverhampton Volume: 17, Page: 259
Muriel Egginton
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial:
Father: Ebenezer Edwin Egginton (kc) Mother: Sarah Jane Giddins (kc)
I cannot find any evidence that Muriel existed.
Nancy E Egginton
Sex: F
Father: Alfred Egginton Mother: Florence ShawNatalie Jane Egginton
Sex: F
Father: Philip J Egginton Mother: Muriel Clarke
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