Egginton & Meller Family Tree

Name List

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Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




  Albert Fredrick HenryS,C,C born 16 Jun 1911 died 1 Nov 2008
  AliceS,C,C,P born 1879 died 1955
  AnnC,C born 1759
  AnnC,C born 1803 died 25 Apr 1820
  AnnC,C born 1817
  AnnC,C born 1859
  AnneC,C born 1821
  AnneC,C born 1716 died 1721
  Annie ES,C,C,P,P born 1872
  BeatriceC,C born 1889
  BenjaminS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1811 died 1887
  BenjaminC,C born 1846
  BenjaminS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1776 died 1855
  CatherineC,C born 1718 died 1723
  CharlesC,C,P born 1855
  DavidC,C born 1788
  EdwardC,C born 1797
  EleanorC,C born 1785 died 1797
  ElizabethS,C,C,P born 1753
  ElizabethC,C born 1797
  ElizabethS,C,C born 1824
  ElizabethC,C born 1816 bur. 17 Feb 1823
  ElizabethC,C born 1720
  EllenC,C born 1835
  EllenC,C born 1857
  EllenC,C born 1844
  Ellen LouisaS,C,C,P,P born 1887
  EmmaC,C born 1833 bur. 12 Mar 1835
  EmmaS,C,C born 1837
  EmmaC,C born 1874
  EmmaC,C born 1859
  EstherS,C,C,P,P,P born 1793 died 1850
  EstherC,C born 1828 bur. 14 Mar 1847
  EstherC,C,P born 1870
  FannyS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1850 died 1908
  Florence MS,C,C,P,P,P born 1872
  FrederickP died Bef 1913
  Frederick JosephC,C born 1879 died 1953
  GeorgeS,C,C,P,P born 1748
  GeorgeS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P chr. 5 Mar 1805
  GeorgeS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1833 died 1892
  GeorgeC,C born 1836
  GertrudeC,C born 1891
  GladysS,P born 1913 died 1962
  HannahC,C chr. 2 May 1804
  HannahC,C born 1818
  HannahC,C born 1761
  HannahC,C born 1814 died 1847
  Harold StanleyC,C born 1916 died 27 Sep 1943
  HarriettS,C,C,P born 1871
  HarriotC,C born 1806
  HarriotC,C born 1840
  HarryC born 1885
  HelenC,C born 1824 died 1825
  HenryC,C born 1830
  HenryS,C,C,P,P,P born 1780 died After 1861
  HenryS,C,C born 1829 died 1874
  HumphryC,C born 1800 bur. 6 Jul 1800
  JamesC,C born 1839
  JamesC,C born 1790 bur. 21 Feb 1790
  JamesS,C,C,P born 1792 died 1860
  JamesC,C born 1831
  JaneC,C chr. 4 Jun 1815
  JaneS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1783
  JaneC,C born 1834 bur. 31 Dec 1835
  JaneC,C born 1877
  JaneC,C born 1895
  JaneC,C born 1713
  JaneC,C born 1763
  JesseS,C,C,P born 1798
  JesseS,C,C born 1825 died 1885
  JohnC,C born 26 Nov 1809 died 1857
  JohnC,C born 1754
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1791 died 1851
  JohnC,C born 1803
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1833 died 1901
  JohnC,C born 1875
  JosephC,C born 1821
  JosephC,C born 1837
  JosephC,C born 1778
  Joseph born 1792
  JosephS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1853 died Bef 1901
  JosephS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born Abt 1690
  JosephS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1795 died 1868
  JosephC,C born 1711
  JosephC,C born 1830
  Joseph WilliamS,C,C,P,P,P born 24 May 1847 died 1912
  JuliaC,C born 1842
  Lucy EllaC,C born 1887
  MarthaS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1776
  MarthaC,C,P born 1822
  MaryC,C born 1765
  MaryC,C born 1821 bur. 19 Aug 1821
  MaryC,C born 1715
  MaryC,C born 1828
  Mary AnnC,C born 1848 bur. 29 Jun 1848
  Mary AnneS,C,C,P born 1822
  Mary AnneC,C born 1823
  Nellie EC,C born 1901 died 1920
  PhoebeC,C born 1772
  PrimroseS,C,C born 1903 died 1995
  PriscillaS,S,C,C born 1818 died 1893
  SamuelS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1722 died 1799
  SamuelS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1750 died 1829
  SamuelS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1785 died 1863
  SamuelC,C born 1801 died 1876
  SamuelC,C born 1813
  SarahC,C born 1808
  SarahS,C,C chr. 18 Apr 1790
  SarahC,C born 1744
  SarahC,C born 1782 bur. 15 Sep 1797
  SarahS,C,C born 1827 died 1890
  SarahC,C born 1826
  SarahC born 1843 bur. 24 Aug 1843
  SarahC,C born 1848 bur. 18 Jun 1848
  SarahC,C born 1710
  SarahC,C born 1834
  Sarah AnnC,C born 1846
  Sarah AnnC,C born 1850
  Sarah JaneS,C,C,P born 1882
  ThomasC,C born 1746
  ThomasC,C born 1784
  ThomasC,C born 1808 died 1808
  ThomasC,C born 1812 died 29 May 1812
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P born 1815 died 1888
  ThomasC,C born 1840 bur. 23 Jul 1844
  ThomasC,C born 1877
  Thomas WilliamS,C,C,P,P born 26 Jan 1874
  WilliamC,C born 1823
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1757
  WilliamC,C born 1790
  WilliamS,C,C born 1819 died Bef 1901
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1847 died 1909
  WilliamC,C born 1854
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P born 1823
  HarryS,C,C,P,P,P born 1870 died 1926
  LilianC,C born 1892
  NellieC,C born 1894
  WilliamC,C born 1896
  BernardC,C born 1889
  FrederickC,C born 1882
  GertrudeC,C born 1885
  JosephS,P,P,P,P,P born 1856 died 1897
  LouisaC,C born 1880
  Mary EC,C born 1877 died Bef 1891
  AgnesS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1872 died 1945
  GladysS,P,P born 1902 died 1985
  AnnS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1713 died 13 Dec 1777
  Agnes LouisaC,C born 27 Aug 1859
  AnnS,P born 1781 died 1856
  AnnieS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1853
  Benjamin FranklinS,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1824 died 1891
  Emma JaneC,C born 1862
  HannahS,S,P,P,P,P born 1821
  HenryC,C born 1848
  JohnS born 1829
  JosephC,C born 1851
  ThomasC,C born 1856 died 1860
  William ThomasC,C born 1853
  MinnieS,P,P born 1879
  Mary Ann BonnellS born 1864
  MaryS born 1837
  RoseS,P born 1899 died 1980
  MariaS born 1843
  AgnesS born 1882
  AlfredC,C born 1868 died 1870
  CharlesC,C born 1860
  CoraC,C born 1897
  HectorC,C born 1865
  Mary EstherC,C born 1862
  Samuel HughS,C,C,P born 1863 died Abt 1899
  VictorS,C,C born 1866
  WilliamC,C born 1856
  William HughS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1825 died 1909
  AlfredS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1858
  AlfredC,C born 1890
  AnnC,C born 1834
  EdwardC,C born 1857
  ElizabethC,C born 1863
  GeorgeC,C born 1832
  HenryS,C,C,P,P born 1887
  JamesC,C born 1855
  JamesS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1792
  JamesC,C born 1825
  JaneC,C born 1886
  JaneC,C born 1818
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1829
  JohnC,C born 1867
  John CC,C born 1882
  LilyC,C born 1908
  Linda AnneS,C,C
  MargaretC,C born 1837
  MargaretC,C born 1845
  SolomanC,C born 1860
  ThomasC,C born 1840
  VioletC,C,P born 1910
  WilliamC,C born 1883
  AnnS,P born 1714
  Catherine possiblyS,P born 1829
  George WS
  JoeS born 1900 died 1993
  FlorenceS,P,P,P,P born 1911
  Mary AnnS,P,P
  CharlesC,C born 1757
  ElizabethC,C born 1752
  JamesC,C born 1759
  ThomasC,C born 1754
  John (kc)S,C,C,P,P born 1754
  Christine ES,C,C
  ThomasS,P,P born 7 Aug 1917 died Nov 2003
  AbrahamS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1857 died 1951

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