Egginton & Meller Family Tree

Name List

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Key: S=as a Spouse, C=as a Child, P=as a Parent




  HenryC,C born 1781 died Apr 1805
  HenryS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1802
  HenryC,C born 1788
  HenryC,C born 1860
  HenryC,C born 1860
  Henry (Rev)S,C,C,P born Jan 1812 died 25 Aug 1887
  Henry DaleC,C born 1856
  HolbrookeC,C born 1784 died 1784
  IsabellaC,C born 1828
  JamesC,C born 1826
  JamesS,C,C born 1869
  JamesC,C born 1846
  JamesC,C born 1751
  JamesS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1807
  JamesS,C,C,P,P born 1833
  JamesS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1774 died After 1841
  JamesS,C,C,P,P,P born 1801
  JamesS,C,C born 19 Mar 1828
  JamesC,C born 1815
  JamesC,C born 1842
  JamesC,C born 1840
  JamesS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1807 died 1885
  JamesC,C born 1788 died 1790
  James AC,C born 1872
  James StephenC,C born 1826 died 1827
  JaneC,C born 1883
  JaneC,C born 1832
  JaneS,S,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 21 May 1808 died 1878
  JaneS,C,C,P,P,P born 1850 died 1929
  JaneC,C born 1848
  JaneC,C born 1864
  JennyC,C born 1772
  JoanC,C born 1607
  JobS,C,C,P,P,P born 1778
  JobC,C born 1832 died 1832
  JohnS,C,C,P born 1824
  JohnC,C chr. 11 Feb 1733
  JohnC,C born 1666
  JohnC,C born 1778
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1843 died 22 Apr 1908
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1634 died 1714
  JohnC,C born 1665 died 1665
  JohnC,C born 1666
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1735 died 9 Aug 1806
  JohnS,C,C,P born 1766 died 3 Aug 1810
  JohnC,C born 1698
  JohnC,C born 1734
  JohnC,C born 1806
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 3 Aug 1737
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1767
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1811 died 1881
  JohnC,C born 7 Oct 1843 died 1919
  JohnS,C,C,P,P,P born 1774
  JohnC,C born 1805
  JohnC,C born 1840
  JohnC,C born 1806
  JohnC,C born 1807
  JohnC,C born 1802 died 1826
  John CharlesC,C born 1865
  John HenryC,C born 1804
  John TheophilusC,C born 1787
  JonathanC,C born 1817
  JosephS,C,C,P,P born 1757
  JoyceC,C born 1700
  JudathC,C born 1662
  JulianaC,C,P born 1795
  KeturahC born 1775
  KittyS,C,C born 28 Feb 1787
  LeviS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1834 died 1914
  LeviC,C born 1842
  LouisaS,C,C born 1871 died 1953
  Louisa MC,C born 1874
  LucyC,C born 1858
  LucyS,C,C born 1 Jul 1742
  Lucy (Lucia)S,C,C born 8 Sep 1770 died 9 Dec 1851
  LukeC,C born 1772
  MargaretC,C,P born 1786
  MariaC,C born 1834
  MariaC,C born 1855
  MariaC,C born 1826
  MarillaC,C born 1850
  Marjorie BrendaS,C,C,P,P born Feb 1935
  MarthaC,C,P born 1770
  MarthaC,C born 1852
  MaryC,C born 1665
  MaryC,C born 1854
  MaryC,C born 1890
  MaryC,C born 1734 died 1740
  MaryC,C born 1769
  MaryC,C born 1735
  MaryC,C,P born 1752
  MaryC born 1811
  MaryC,C born 1845
  MaryC,C born 1843
  MaryC,C born 1866
  MaryC,C born 1835
  Mary AnnC,C born 1815
  Mary AnnC,C born 1803
  Mary AnnC,C born 1829
  Mary ThomasonC,C born 1775
  MinellaC,C born 1822
  MyraC,C born 1776
  PhoebeC,C born 1816
  RichardS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1771 died 1852
  RichardC,C born 1799
  RichardS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1813 died 1885
  RobertC,C born 1580
  RobertS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1677 died 1751
  RobertS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1745 died 1820
  RobertS,C,C,P,P,P born 1774
  RobertS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1712
  RobertS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1740
  RobertS,C,C born 1804
  RogerS,C,P,P,P,P born 1541 died 1587
  RogerS,C,C,P,P,P born 1580 died 1657
  RogerS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1632 died 1670
  RuthC,C born 1695
  SamuelC,C born 1743
  SamuelS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1765
  SamuelC,C born 1835
  SamuelS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1822 died 1906
  SamuelC,C born 1857
  SarahC,C born 1841
  SarahS,C,C born Oct 1782 died 31 Aug 1839
  SarahC,C born 1776
  SarahC,C born 1810
  SarahC,C born 29 Oct 1855 died 1878
  SarahC,C born 1790
  Sarah RuthC,C born 27 Aug 1816 died 5 Apr 1819
  SusannaC,C born 1819
  SusannahC,C born 1801
  TheophilusC,C chr. 4 Aug 1789
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1789 died 1871
  ThomasC,C born 1822
  ThomasC,C born 1828 died 1895
  ThomasC,C born 6 Jul 1668 died 1669
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1785 died 22 Nov 1839
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1670 died 1723
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1713 died 1781
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P born 1818 died Bef 1861
  ThomasC,C born 1809
  ThomasC,C born 1703 died Bef 1707
  ThomasC,C born 1707
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1746
  ThomasC,C born 27 Mar 1852 died 8 Dec 1861
  ThomasC born 1807
  ThomasS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1776
  ThomasC,C born 1810
  ThomasC,C born 1831
  ThomasC,C born 1735
  ThomasC,C born 1849 died 1925
  TryphaenaS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 17 Apr 1808 died 19 Feb 1886
  UnknownC,C born 1566
  ValentineC,C chr. 2 Jan 1814 bur. 13 Mar 1814
  ValentineC,C born 1835
  ValentineS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 14 Feb 1785 died 1870
  WalterC,C born 1862
  WhistonC,C born 1777 died 1785
  WilhelminaC,C born 1846
  WilliamC born 1541
  WilliamC,C born 1564
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P born 1603 died 1649
  WilliamC,C born 1639 died 1675
  WilliamS,S,C,C,P,P born 1663 died 1741
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P,P,P born 1704 died 1770
  WilliamS,C,C born 1740 died 1814
  WilliamC,C born 1739 died 1739
  WilliamC,C born 1742 died 1750
  WilliamC,C born 1772
  WilliamS,C,C,P,P born 1705
  WilliamC,C born 1772
  WilliamC,C born 1848 died 1916
  WilliamC,C born 1804
  WilliamC,C born 1863
  William RogerS,C,C,P,P,P born 1773 died 30 Oct 1805
  William ThomasC,C born 1867
  Ellen AS born 22 Oct 1912 died 13 May 2001
  Kenneth W RS
  FrancesS born 1750 died 1824
  MollyS,C,C born 1913 died 2001
  NorahC,C born 1906
  WinifredS,C,C born 1896
  CatharineS,C,C,P born 1811
  John SS,P
  Mary AnnS,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1874
  Nigel SS,C,C,P,P
  Roxanne LeighC,C
  Tiffany FrancesC,C
  WilhelminaS,P born 1877
  George (kc)S,P
  Martha (kc)S,C,C,P born 1699
  Dennis GeorgeS,P,P,P,P born 6 Aug 1926 died Aug 2000
  Linda JC,C
  Mary AnnS,P,P,P born Abt 1846
  JohnS,P born Abt 1800
  Mary AnneS,C,C,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P born 1828 died 16 May 1870
  William HenryS
  AlfredS,C,C,P,P,P born Sep 1902 died 20 Apr 1977
  ChristopherS,P,P,P,P,P born 1872 died 13 Dec 1923
  Christopher JS,C,C,P,P born 13 Jul 1907 died Jan 2001
  Hilda ClaraS,C,C,P,P born 25 Oct 1913 died Jul 2002
  Leonard JobC,C born 1905 died 1986
  Pamela ClaraS,C,C,P,P
  Wilfred AlbertC,C born 13 Oct 1909 died Jun 1986
  SarahC,C born 1839

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